Donnerstag, 9.00 Uhr
This papers wants to reflect some of the theoretical, terminological and methodological ingredients of the linguistic Analysis of Intercultural Communication (ICA) in an empirically founded, data-oriented perspective, on a longterm live-in basis of participant observation in/of different cultures. Its overall approach is an Ethnogaphy of Communication-type of sociolinguistic analysis. It has a (longer) descriptive-analytic and explanatory (a) and a (shorter) "therapeutic" section (b) summing up some do's and don'ts of ICA at present and in the future.
The discussion will focus on the following four main points:
Topics and Questions: what is being dealt with, where, why and how in ICA; is that all there is (that) and (how) can/should be dealt with?
Intercultural Communication and (Inter)cultural Contact: Terminological Variations on a theme.
Dimensions of/ for empirical validation of ICA-data. "Examples" for cross-cultural and culture-specific status: (text)-types, genres, sub-genres; topic; setting; stylistic alternatives; register variation; "hierarchies"; proper names; speech acts; proverbial behavior.
Specific(!) postulates and perspectives for future work in ICA and some feedback for linguistics: Rethinking research strategies; attitude adjustment(s).
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