Fritz Serzisko (Köln):
Case Marking and Pronouns in Ik (Nilo-Saharan)
Donnerstag, 9.30 Uhr
The case marking pattern in Ik is different depending on personal
inflection on the verb and predication status.
In main predications the following pattern holds:
1st, 2nd person and impersonal: V-PronominalActor NUndergoer-Nominativ
3rd person V NUndergoer-Accusativ
Lexical Actors V NActor-Nominativ NUndergoer-Accusativ (= VSO)
In secondary predications:
for all persons V-PronominalActor NUndergoer-Accusativ
Lexical Actors NActor-Accusativ V NUndergoer-Accusativ (= SVO)
The following facts are important for a fuller understanding of case marking in IK:
1. Person marking
- Person may be expressed by independent (emphatic?) pronouns, in the text corpus are
these extremely rare.
- The presented patterns seem to be independent of number. This indicates a different
morphosyntactic status of person and number marking on the verb. There is further evidence
for that.
- 3rd person is formally zero. Question: Is 3rd person marked by
zero or is 3rd person not expressed at all?
2. Case marking
- 5 cases are formally distinguished: Nominative, Accusative, Dative, Ablative and
- Both Nominative and Accusative can be used with Actor and Undergoer, independent of
- Both cases are morphologically marked. The unmarked = base form of the noun is used if
no role is assigned as in compound nouns and in certain other constructions
3. Main vs. Secondary predications
- By secondary predications are meant all formally marked (by the so-called subjunctive)
predications and relative clauses.
- Word order is VSO in main and SVO in secondary predications.
- VSO with a lexical subject is extremely rare in the corpus. This corresponds to the PAS
and it furthermore is pragmatically marked in that there is usually
no topic-comment distinction. VSO-predications are either ALL-NEW utterances (thetic) or
ALL-OLD utterances.
In other words: morphological, syntactic and pragmatic factors have to
be considered to acchieve a satisfactory description.
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